User guide

Getting the access to "Magic Frame"

To be able to get access and edit product click right mouse button on the "Magic Frame", choose "Edit" and open «Content» tab.

Creating of categories
Use notecard "Config" to edit category list. You should follow this template: 1 # Nature (1 – category number, Nature – category name you will see in the control menu). Every category description should be one line in notecard.

Uploading pictures
You have to rename your pictures following next model to work with "Magic Frame": 01_nature01_3_2 (01 – category number (two symbols!!!), nature_01 – category name (picture), 3 – picture width, 2 – picture height. Sizes are important in on a pro rata basis, so 01_nature01_3_2 will get the same as 01_nature01_300_200 or 01_nature01_6_4).

Creating picture description
"Magic Frame" allow you show the description of every picture for slideshow. Use "Titles" notecard to add description. Create two lines following this template in notecard: first line is 01_nature04_3_2 (picture name) and second line is Winter garden (description).


"Effects" - get the list of all effects and switch them ON/OFF (button).

"Show titles/Hide titles" - switch on/off picture descriptions.

"Slideshow" - there are two button in this section. "PLAY/STOP" button to control slideshow and "Default" to set time to change picture in slideshow. Default time was set at 10 seconds but you could change it using buttons: "-1 sec", "-5 sec", "-1 min", "+1 sec", "+5 sec", "+1 min".

"Category" - list of categories to show or to hide. Showed categories marked black. Click it to change.

"Size" - change size of "Magic Frame". +25% or -25%.

"Options" - set animation effects (pictures), speed ("10" to speed up and "-10" to speed down) and transparency ("-5%" to set it more transparent, "+5" les transparent). "Default" button sets transparency to 90% and speed to 0.25 seconds.

"Frames" - just choice of frame.

"Access" - set access to "Magic Frame". Choose "All" to everyone, "Group" to group and "Owner" only for the owner.

"Reset" - reset frames, effects and category.

- check and get an update if this is one. Update include last version "Magic Frame", "Magic Frame Resell Board", "Magic Frame Quick" and "Magic Frame Textures". ("Magic Frame Quick" - product created special for quick upload Your photoset. "Magic Frame Quick" include only 2 frames, 2 effects, 2 pictures. All other frames, effects and pictures you can upload from box "Magic Frame textures".)